Contributor Profile: Mónica R. Goya

At Future Positive we thrive to discover some of the most ambitious creative projects and business from around the world. It wouldn’t be possible without all of our contributors who take photos or interview our subjects. We’ve just turned 2 years old and we’d like to introduce a new series of posts: Contributor Profile. In each post we will present and interview a different photographer, journalist or filmmaker, without whom Future Positive wouldn’t be possible.

Meet Mónica R. Goya, a London based, Spanish journalist and photographer specialising in food, travel, lifestyle and portrait photography. Mónica has collaborated with us documenting artisan bakery and coffeeshop E5 Bakehouse and designjunction 2014 for our blog.

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Please tell us a little about yourself. When and how did you get interested in photography?
I have been interested in photography since an early age. One of my fondest memories is when my mum bought me a few film rolls to spend as I wanted through one summer (and not in family photos). I really enjoyed that, I carried my compact camera everywhere and I started to look into the details, trying to find other perspectives and angles and not taking only holiday pictures. I loved the bright colours and light of those summery photos. A few years later I took a visual communication course in high school and I was really impressed to see that you could make images out of a shoe box! The concept of pinhole photography fascinated me and after that experience my interest in photography grew exponentially.

You are based between London and Northern Spain, how do these two places influence your work?
I love the contrast in lighting. The light in Spain is brighter, stronger, in London the light is darker, more elusive. They aren’t physically that far, but in some aspects both places are a world apart and I feel grateful I can work in both. Professionally London offers everything you can ask for. Here it is very easy to meet inspiring, challenging people and I believe this helps to keep my work ever-changing and evolving.

From all the places you’ve photographed for your travel work, what have been the ones that have impressed you the most?
Cuba and northern Spain. The first one because it’s a totally different palette, the colours, the light, the visual clichés that weren’t as perceptible once I got there… The second one because it is very challenging to try and find new perspectives and places of an area so familiar. Yet finding those places is really exciting and helps me keep inquiring eyes.

You work across different photography fields, do you have a favourite?
Not really, I enjoy every aspect of photography. Each field has its charm and I really enjoy being able to work across them. I decided to specialise in food and lifestyle almost accidentally, after working on a project for the Gastronomic Forum 2008 in Santiago with fellow journalism students. That experience was incredibly rewarding at many levels and it made me open my eyes about that perfect aesthetic convergence of food and photography. On the other hand, travel writing and photography have been my passion since my dad told me stories from far away places before putting me to bed, so my interest in travel came naturally.

Are you working on any commission or personal project at the moment?
Bits and bobs. I keep contributing regularly to some publications, such as PlateSelector and I am involved in a couple of commercial photography projects for small organic food brands. Also, I recently enrolled on a photo course for which I am hoping to be able to develop a project on food sovereignty.

What are your plans for 2015?
Judging at how it started, I think 2015 is going to be a very good year. I am, together with a designer from home, Ricardo Villoria, trying to put together an editorial project on the Green Spain. Also, I am starting to plan the route for a very special trip to America at the end of this year, that very likely will become a zine.

We’re looking for new contributing photographers to help us document creative businesses and projects across the globe. Find more info here and get in touch!

2 Comments on “Contributor Profile: Mónica R. Goya”

  1. What an interesting and perceptive young woman. I hope you will feature more of her beautiful photographs in the future.

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