Growing Old Disgracefully (Retiring to A City Is The Best Thing You Will Ever Do!)

You’ll find plenty of city guides on this blog. However, rather than just visiting them, have you ever considered living in one? Well, if you can’t do so right now, you may well be able to in later life. In fact, a city can be the perfect place in which to spend your golden years. Read on to find out why. 

Old doesn’t mean out of touch or no longer in vogue

First of all, let’s start by stating that old age is nothing but a number. In fact, being older doesn’t mean that your taste suddenly disintegrates, or that you love for design, culture, and fashion fall by the wayside. Just ask icons like Iris Apfel!

What we mean here is that just because you have a few years under your belt, it doesn’t necessarily follow you won’t want an active and culturally rich life. That, as well as the reasons below, is why moving to a city later in life is such a great choice! 

Cities have fantastic public transport links

One best thing about moving to a city in later life is that many of them like Ghent have excellent public transport

Of course, this is beneficial because you don’t have to run an expensive car if you don’t want to. Something that can help save you some money and make sure you are doing your part for the environment as well.  All without limiting your access to any of the flights that city life has to offer.

Cities are the perfect place to find others you gel with

Then there is the element of community that can be much more pronounced in city life, as opposed to the suburbs. In fact, it’s not uncommon for those living in the ‘burbs to have no more interaction with their neighbors than the occasion mod of the head as they go to get into their car.

However, cities bring together a vast range of people all into close proximity. Something that means you only need to do an online search to find like-minded individuals. Try terms like senior citizen group activities near me, or meet up groups + your particular interest to start. You’ll be flooded with opportunities to join involved in passionate and vibrant communities! 

Cities are choked full of entertainment

Finally, and perhaps one of the most appealing reasons that many people choose to retire to a city is because they are so full of entertainment and activities.

Of course, you have museums and galleries. Many of which are often free or at least discounted for senior citizens. Something that means you can while away an enjoyable time without spending too much at all. 

Then there are restaurants and cafes to try! Oh, and don’t forget the walking tours, the theatre and cinema events, and all the bars you can frequent too! Thus proving that if you are looking to grow old disgracefully and have the fullest, most fun retirement there is, there is no better place to settle than the City!


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