Five ways to protect your belongings when out and about

Have you had an item stolen from you before? Most of us will own the likes of phones, wallets, laptops, jewellery or bikes which make our lives easier and carry sentimental value — but could unfortunately be targets for thieves.

Though still lower than in decades gone by, theft in the UK is on the rise in recent years. If your prized possessions have taken months or even years of careful financial management to pay for, here are five ways to protect what’s rightfully yours. 

Keep your bag close  

Bags are an easy target for what they could have inside. Try not to leave yours out of sight in public places and consider wearing it on your front when in crowded areas such as train and underground stations to make it harder to snatch.

We all lose things by accident from time to time. Attaching a tag with your name and contact details could allow a kind stranger to help your bag find its way back to you. 

Be aware of your surroundings

There are times when you may want to tune out of everything around you and get lost in your own world. Doing so could land you in trouble in certain situations however, so try to stay savvy to prevent anything being stolen without you noticing.

Keep your headphone volume low enough to hear what’s going on when in public places, and make sure to report anything that looks suspicious.   

Don’t flaunt your possessions

If you’ve spent money on a fancy necklace or a new smartphone, it’s understandable that you may want to show it off a little — but you’re not always in control of exactly who you’re showing it off to. 

Don’t leave expensive items on show in your car, cover up your jewellery in public spaces, and only get your wallet or purse out when you need it.  

Lock it up

In many cases, thieves will target items that are easy to steal without anyone being any the wiser. Using a lock could be enough to deter potential criminals and keep your possessions safe. 

Always secure your bike with a lock when leaving it in public spaces and attach a padlock to your rucksack when travelling or attending events.

Take out insurance

Even when you take all the necessary steps to protect your belongings, sometimes the worst still happens. All is not lost, however — as long as you have insurance. 

Many expensive items can be purchased with insurance added on to cover you in case they get stolen, lost or damaged.

Are you street-smart with your possessions? With a few of the tips above, you’ll be able to keep what’s yours, yours.


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