Top 12 Fun Things To Do During Lockdown

With the world coming to a standstill, life is not what it used to be. Staying indoors is the new norm, and at a glance, it seems like there’s nothing to do. However, being indoors can be an opportunity to try things you have never tried before, even from the comfort of your home. Most of them are free and do not require any special skills to test. Here are some of the ways that you can have a good time even when you’re on lockdown.

1. Try a new recipe

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If you are home, then the chances are you have been cooking your meals more often than ordering fast food. The lockdown allows you to try something new for your taste buds. There are a lot of recipes to try online, which do not require too many exotic ingredients. You can also travel the world with your taste buds by choosing an international recipe to try daily, weekly, or month depending on how fast you can learn. You can unleash your culinary genius during the stay at home period and come out with some novel skills to impress your friends and family with. You don’t have to restrict the learning to just solid food. Try some cocktail recipes that you can use when you have friends over.

2. Organize your space

The hustle and bustle of life sometimes make you neglect your area even though you know what you have to do. Once you’re at home, you come to terms with how much stuff you actually have and how you don’t need them. Your shoe rack and closet are the right places to start. Now is the best time to get rid of the extra items and create some more room. You can choose to donate whatever you find to those who need them or throw them away if they’re too damaged. If you work from home, then this is an excellent way to become more productive. You can also organize files, whether on the computer or in a cupboard, so that they are easier to reach.

3. Redecorate your space

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It is very exciting to transform spaces, and you can do that with your room or area, so create a new environment. Bring in some plants if there are none or change the positions of the ones you have. If you can, change the wallpaper or paint the walls a new color. Change the carpet and rugs and move the furniture around the house to also give the rooms a new look. You can use the internet for inspiration and get the work started.

4. Try online betting

The online betting industry is one of the most versatile sectors, offering a wide variety of games that consumers can participate in. You can get into it from the comfort of your home because of technology and the internet. You can get out of your comfort zone and still get a feel of Las Vegas even while in lockdown. 

5. Engage in some self-care

The spas are most likely to be closed, but that does not mean you cannot pamper yourself. The internet is filled with information on products and techniques that you can use to give yourself a spa day from your home. Deep condition your hair, give yourself a manicure or pedicure, or learn to shave by yourself. You’ll get some useful skills that’ll help you save costs even after the lockdown is over. You’ll also become more self-sufficient, and it will not be so boring being stuck at home. 

6. Start a blog or journal

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Blogging is a great way to pass the time, and it can also teach you some valuable life skills. You will become better with time management and communication, and it’ll serve as an outlet for what you’re thinking. You’ll meet people who relate to your content and make new friends to go through the lockdown with. You can join a free platform and start some of your exciting hobbies. One fun thing to do in addition is to learn a new word each day and use it in your blog or journal.

7. Learn to be ambidextrous

Aren’t you tired of doing things the same old way? You can give yourself the fun challenge of learning to use both hands for your routine activities. Try with safe activities like brushing your teeth before moving on to shaving or trimming your nails. It will be frustrating but also very fun, and you’ll feel fulfilled once you master the skill.

8. Learn some calming exercises

If you have never tried yoga, then this will be an excellent time to try it. That stiffness in your body will not be so much anymore, and you’ll genuinely enjoy the exercise. Once your body is calm, your mind automatically follows, and you’ll realize you are less stressed about anything. While you’re at it, also learn some breathing exercises to help you relax whenever you feel anxious. Being indoors for a long time can take its toll on you so that you forget to fill your lungs with oxygen. Meditating is also another way by which you can calm yourself, and it doesn’t require much expertise. There are so many mobile applications that take you through the steps of meditating, and you can do it from anywhere. 

9. Build a garden

Gardening takes a lot of work and skills like patience and dedication, which you will need during the lockdown. Making a DIY garden does not cost much, and you will reap tremendous benefits. It is incredibly relaxing and heart-warming to watch things blossom from a tiny seed into a beautiful garden, and it will make your space look even better. You can make it more meaningful by growing spices and other plants that you can use around the house. You can even create a green lounge area for when you can have people over.

10. Learn a language

Within your home, travel into another culture and study their way of communicating with each other. You’ll become well-spoken and interesting when you know more than what you’ve been taught or are used to. A new language will give you more leverage anytime you decide to travel to that part of the world as well. 

11. Learn a new dance move

The internet is buzzing with so many contemporary dance routines that are entertaining to watch. Instead of just observing other people have some fun, why not join in. The steps are online for you to learn. Most of these dance moves are easy and do not require any special skills. It also adds to your skillset and makes you more fun to be around. After the lockdown, you’ll have something to show for all the videos you watched.

12. Learn first aid

With the way the health sector is overwhelmed, it will be helpful if you can take care of minor health issues. Learning first aid will save you the time and money to go to the hospital. Being able to handle your little health problems is an advantage for yourself and those around you as well. There are free online courses on first aid that can get you started. 

Staying at home during a lockdown does not mean your life should come to a halt while you wait for the hurdle to pass. There is so much you can do, but at the same time, it is also an opportunity to take a break from usual.

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