Lodestars Anthology Italy

It’s not the first time we talk about Lodestars Anthology on our blog. This travel magazine, focusing on a different country in each new issue, has evolved nicely since its beginnings in 2014 and has become one of our favourite publications.

After documenting England, Scotland and Australia, the fourth issue of Lodestars Anthology is dedicated to the beauty of Italy. Filled with exquisite photographs, as usual, the Italy issue takes you on a trip around some of the most breath-taking corners of this sun-drenched country. Explore the Parma countryside, go on a hike around the rocky backdrop of the Dolomites, relax on the Almafi Coast, discover the flavours of Tuscany or find the real meaning of “al fresco”…these are just some of the numerous topics covered over 150 beautifully designed pages.

You can buy Lodestars Anthology and find more information about the magazine on its website:


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