How To Enjoy The Holiday Of A Lifetime (With Kids)

1. Get the Family Involved

Everyone in the family, including the kids, will enjoy that long-awaited holiday even more when they have a hand in organising it. Excitement levels tend to skyrocket right from the start of the planning process when the kids help out. Your research should start with matching your budget to the ideal vacation – but make sure to ask the kids about their dream holiday. Start with destination and accommodation options. Don’t forget about a Moses basket for the hotel if you’ve got very little ones, either. They’re nice and portable and easy to fit around hotel beds to make sure that you can keep an eye on your infant.

2. Research is Key

If you want to enjoy the holiday of a lifetime then research is going to be key – spending time doing the research will ensure happy children – and make that holiday even more fun for the parents involved. While doing that essential research, keep an eye out for destinations that have something to offer every member of the family we highly recommend the Isle of Wight. Find the sweet spot between children’s activities and days where you can simply relax and go exploring – and enjoy a wonderful meal. The decision whether to enjoy a short or long-haul destination is important – and make sure that you get all the required inoculations if you are venturing further afield.  

3. Embrace the Admin

So that research has paid off, great, but now it’s time to make sure that you and your family can actually get to your holiday destination. In years past, minors could simply travel on a parent’s passport – but times have changed and today children require a passport of their own (and this includes babies). If your child is under 16 and on your passport, you should be OK). Passport applications take time to process – so apply early, delays are part and parcel of the experience. While you’re dealing with the essential paperwork – make sure that you have signed up with a reputable family travel insurance provider. 

4. As the Boy Scouts say – Be Prepared

For many parents in the UK, the mere thought of dragging a child to an airport is enough to cause an attack of the vapors – and a commitment to staying at home (at least until the child reaches 18). However, in reality, there’s nothing to worry about – just be prepared. Prepare easy-to-carry snacks and pack toys and games to ensure your child is kept busy until touchdown at your vacation destination. Let your child’s attention span be your guide – sometimes those old favorite games such as ‘spot the landmark’ (spot the airline check-in desk, or the plane with your carriers livery are great to start off) are perfect – and you can play a new one every half hour, so there’s no chance of boredom setting in.

5. That Essential ‘Plan B’

If there is one thing that gives parents nightmares it is the thought of a child becoming lost while on holiday. Prepare for the unexpected and discuss a plan with your children if you should get separated. If they have a mobile phone, ensure that your number and the number of an alternate are on speed dial. The good old-fashioned neon wristband is a great idea, especially for the much younger members of the family. Place a note in their bah with your details and other essential information, such as the contact details and physical address of the hotel where you will be based. At the start of every day agree am easy to reach, well-known gathering spot where you can meet in case you are separated.  

6. Preparing for the Day

Some of the experiences that your children will enjoy at the vacation destination will be new and interesting – that’s wonderful, but there are also dangers that they may not be aware of. For instance, if you are traveling from a colder climate the effects of the tropical sun can be devastating if you are not prepared. Ensure that the kids stay hydrated and slathered in an effective, high-factor sunscreen. Try and keep to the shade – this is even more important for babies. Also, remember not to cover cots and strollers to create shade, temperatures under these covers can climb incredibly quickly.

7. Embrace Happiness and Health

Most parents have embraced the concept of ‘being prepared’. If a child should fall ill make sure that you have common treatments like Calpol (or other ‘child-safe’ medication) at hand. A small first aid kit with the basics is also essential – those cuts and bruises will be along shortly to enliven your holiday experience. Always carry the numbers for emergency services at your destination – and be aware of where the nearest A&E department is located (make sure your ‘Maps’ function on your mobile works in the country that you are visiting). It’s worth noting that chemists can usually be relied on to provide great advice on childhood illness no matter where you are.

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