Trampoline Games for Kids: Fun and Safe Activities for Outdoor Play

Looking for a fun way to keep your kids active and entertained? Trampoline games for kids are a great way to get them outside and moving while having a blast. Whether your child is a trampoline pro or just starting, plenty of games and activities keep them engaged and excited.

One classic trampoline game is “Crack the Egg.” In this game, one player sits in the middle of the trampoline and curls up into a ball, holding onto their legs. The other players jump around the trampoline outside, trying to bounce the “egg” enough to make it crack open and release the player inside. Another popular game is “Popcorn,” where players sit on the trampoline and tuck their knees to their chest, pretending to be popcorn kernels. The other players jump around, trying to “pop” them out of their position.

Playing trampoline games with your kids is a fun way to spend time together and provides a great workout. Jumping on a trampoline can improve coordination, balance, and cardiovascular health. So, grab your kids and head outside to try out some of these exciting trampoline games for kids!

Safety Precautions for Trampoline Games

Trampoline games can be a fun and exciting for kids to enjoy their time outdoors. However, it is important to prioritize safety when participating in these activities. Here are some safety precautions to keep in mind:

Trampoline Safety Tips

  • Always supervise children when they are using the trampoline.
  • Only allow one person to jump on the trampoline at a time.
  • Do not allow children under the age of 6 to use the trampoline.
  • Make sure the trampoline is on a flat surface and away from any hazards such as trees, fences, or other equipment.
  • Use safety padding to cover the trampoline’s springs, frame, and hooks.
  • Ensure the trampoline is in good condition and regularly inspected for wear and tear.

Trampoline Socks

Wearing trampoline socks can help prevent slipping and provide extra grip when jumping on the trampoline. It is important to ensure the socks fit properly and are not too loose or tight.

Safety Precautions

  • Ensure children remove jewelry, glasses, or other accessories before using the trampoline.
  • Do not allow children to perform flips or other high-risk maneuvers on the trampoline.
  • Always jump in the center of the trampoline and avoid jumping near the edge.
  • Do not allow children to jump off the trampoline onto other surfaces.
  • Consider installing a safety net around the trampoline to prevent falls.

Following these safety precautions can help ensure your children have a safe and enjoyable experience when playing on the trampoline.

Classic Trampoline Games

When it comes to classic trampoline games, a few stand out as timeless favorites. These games are easy to learn and play, perfect for kids of all ages. Here are some of the most popular classic trampoline games that you can try:

Crack the Egg

Crack the Egg is a classic trampoline game played for generations. One player sits in the middle of the trampoline and wraps their arms around their legs, holding on tight. The other players jump outside the trampoline to get the “egg” to let go of their legs and “crack.”


Basketball is another classic trampoline game that is always a hit with kids. All you need is a small basketball hoop to attach to the trampoline’s side. Players take turns trying to shoot the ball through the hoop while jumping on the trampoline.

Last One Standing

Last One Standing is a simple game that can be played with any number of players. The goal is to be the last one standing on the trampoline. Players jump around and try to knock each other off the trampoline without falling off themselves.

Hot Potato

Hot Potato is a fun game that can be played with a small ball or stuffed animal. Players toss the ball back and forth while jumping on the trampoline. The person who drops the ball is out, and the game continues until only one player is left.


Tag is a classic game that can be played on the trampoline. One player is “it,” and they try to tag the other players by touching them with their hand. Players can jump around and try to avoid being tagged.


Hopscotch is a classic game that can be adapted for the trampoline. Use chalk to draw a hopscotch board on the trampoline, and then play the game as usual. Players jump from square to square, avoiding stepping on the lines.

Simon Says

Simon Says is a fun game that can be played on the trampoline. One player is “Simon,” and they give commands to the other players. The players must follow the commands only if preceded by the phrase “Simon says.” Players who follow a command that doesn’t start with “Simon says” are out.

These classic trampoline games are a great way to get kids active and engaged. Whether you’re playing with a small group of friends or a large party, these games will surely be a hit. So, get out there and start jumping!

Trampoline Games for Skill Development

Trampoline games are fun and great for developing skills such as balance, coordination, timing, and cardiovascular health. These games can help improve endurance and circulation while providing a fun way to exercise. Here are some trampoline games that can help your child develop essential skills.

Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks are a classic exercise that can be done on a trampoline. They are great for improving cardiovascular health and endurance. To do jumping jacks on a trampoline:

  1. Stand in the middle of the trampoline and jump while spreading your arms and legs apart.
  2. Jump back to the starting position with your arms and legs together.
  3. Repeat this exercise for several minutes.

Trick Shots

Trick shots are a fun way to develop timing and coordination. To play this game, set up a basketball hoop or other target on one end of the trampoline. Then take turns jumping and trying to make a shot. You can also create your trick shots by adding obstacles or using different types of balls.

Balloon Bounce

Balloon bounce is a game that can help improve balance and coordination. To play, blow up several balloons and place them on the trampoline. Then have your child jump and try to keep the balloons in the air without using their hands. Adding more balloons or having multiple players can make this game more challenging.

Simon Says

Simon Says is a classic game that can be adapted for the trampoline. This game can help improve listening skills, coordination, and balance. To play, have one person be Simon and give commands such as “Simon says jump on one foot” or “Simon says do a somersault”. Players must only follow commands that begin with “Simon says”. If they follow a command that doesn’t begin with “Simon says”, they are out.

Bouncing Tag

Bouncing tag is a fun game that can help improve cardiovascular health and coordination. To play, choose one person to be “it”. The other players must jump around the trampoline to avoid being tagged by “it”. If someone is tagged, they become “it” and the game continues.

Trampoline games are a great way to have fun while developing important skills. These games can help improve balance, coordination, timing, cardiovascular health, endurance, and circulation. Try these games with your child and see how fun trampoline games can be!

Trampoline Games for Young Kids

If you have kids who love to jump around, trampoline games can be a fun way to keep them entertained and active. Here are some trampoline games that are perfect for young children:

  • Popcorn: This classic game is perfect for toddlers and young children. Kids sit in a lying or seated position and tuck in their knees to become a popcorn kernel. The other kids then jump around the trampoline and try to un-pop the popcorn kernels.
  • Crack the Egg: This game is another classic that young children love. One player sits in the middle of the trampoline and rolls themselves into a ball by wrapping their arms around their legs and holding on. The other players jump outside the trampoline and try to get the “egg” to let go of their legs and “crack the egg”.
  • Ball Bounce: You’ll need a small ball that bounces well for this game. One player bounces the ball on the trampoline while the other players try to catch it. Having the players catch the ball while jumping can make it more challenging.
  • Follow the Leader: One player is chosen to be the leader and performs a series of jumps and tricks on the trampoline. The other players follow along and try to copy the leader’s moves.
  • Jumping Jacks: This game is simple but fun. Players jump on the trampoline while doing jumping jacks. You can make it a competition by seeing who can do the most jumping jacks in a certain amount of time.

Remember to always supervise young children while they are jumping on the trampoline and make sure they follow proper safety guidelines. With these fun trampoline games, your kids will have a blast while getting some exercise and fresh air.

Trampoline Games Involving Sports Equipment

If your kids love playing sports, why not combine their favorite activities with trampoline fun? Adding sports equipment to your trampoline can open up a new world of games and activities. Here are some trampoline games involving sports equipment that your kids will love:

Trampoline Basketball

One of the most popular trampoline games involving sports equipment is trampoline basketball. You can attach a basketball hoop to the side of your trampoline, or purchase a trampoline with a built-in basketball hoop. This game is perfect for kids who love basketball and want to practice their skills while bouncing on a trampoline.

You only need a basketball and a hoop to play trampoline basketball. The rules are similar to regular basketball, but with the added challenge of bouncing on a trampoline. Players can bounce and dunk the ball, or shoot from a distance while jumping. This game is great for improving hand-eye coordination and balance.

Trampoline Volleyball

Another fun game to play on a trampoline is trampoline volleyball. You can play with a regular volleyball or a lighter, softer ball. To set up the game, you’ll need a net that spans the width of your trampoline. You can purchase a trampoline volleyball net or use rope and poles.

To play trampoline volleyball, players must bounce on the trampoline while hitting the ball over the net. The game can be played with two or more players on each side, and the first team to reach a certain number of points wins. This game is great for improving hand-eye coordination and teamwork skills.

Trampoline Dodgeball

Dodgeball is a classic game that can be played on a trampoline. To play, you’ll need soft, lightweight balls that won’t hurt if they hit someone. The rules are similar to regular dodgeball but have the added challenge of bouncing on a trampoline. Players must dodge balls while bouncing, and can throw balls at the other team while in mid-air.

Trampoline dodgeball is a fun and active game that can be played with friends or family. It’s great for improving agility, reflexes, and hand-eye coordination.

Adding sports equipment to your trampoline can create a fun and active environment for your kids to play in. Trampoline basketball, volleyball, and dodgeball are just a few games you can play on a trampoline with sports equipment.

Health Benefits of Trampoline Games

Trampoline games are a fun way for kids to get exercise and improve their health. Here are some of the health benefits that trampoline games can provide:


Trampoline games are a great way for kids to get exercise. Jumping on a trampoline can help improve cardiovascular health, strengthen muscles, and burn calories. Jumping on a trampoline for 10 minutes can burn as many calories as running for 30 minutes!


Trampoline games can help improve muscle strength and tone. Jumping on a trampoline requires multiple muscles, including the legs, core, and arms. Regular trampoline use can help improve overall muscle tone, as well as improve balance and coordination.


Trampoline games can help boost energy levels in kids. Jumping on a trampoline can increase blood flow and oxygen to the body, which can help improve energy levels and reduce fatigue.


Trampoline games can also help improve heart health in kids. Jumping on a trampoline can help increase heart rate, which can help improve cardiovascular health. Regular trampoline use can also help improve overall heart health and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Trampoline games are a fun and effective way for kids to improve their health and fitness. So why not get out there and start jumping!

Choosing the Right Trampoline for Games

When it comes to trampoline games, having the right trampoline can make all the difference. Here are some things to consider when choosing a trampoline for games:

Size and Shape

The size and shape of your trampoline are important factors to consider when choosing a trampoline for games. Rectangular trampolines are generally better for gymnastics and tricks, while round trampolines are better for bouncing and games. Consider the size of your backyard and the age and size of the children using the trampoline when choosing the appropriate size.

Safety Features

Safety should always be a top priority when it comes to trampolines. Look for trampolines with safety enclosures, padding around the frame and springs, and sturdy frames. Always supervise children when they are using a trampoline.

Indoor vs. Outdoor

While most trampolines are designed for outdoor use, smaller trampolines are designed for indoor use. Indoor trampolines are generally smaller and have lower weight limits, but they can be a great option if you don’t have space for a larger outdoor trampoline.

Weight Limit

Make sure to choose a trampoline with a weight limit to accommodate the children using it. Overloading a trampoline can be dangerous and increase the risk of injury.


Finally, consider your budget when choosing a trampoline for games. While investing in a quality trampoline with safety features is important, affordable options are also available. Look for trampolines that offer the features you need at a price you can afford.

Considering these factors, you can choose the right trampoline for games that will provide your children hours of fun and entertainment.


Trampoline games are a fun and exciting way for kids to get exercise and enjoy the outdoors. With so many different games, there is something for everyone. Whether your child is a basketball fan or enjoys playing tag, plenty of games can be played on a trampoline.

When playing trampoline games, it is important to always prioritize safety. Ensure that the trampoline is set up properly and that all players follow the game’s rules. It is also a good idea to supervise younger children while playing on the trampoline to ensure they do not get hurt.

Some of kids’ most popular trampoline games include Crack the Egg, Trampoline Basketball, Trampoline Tag, and Musical Trampolines. These games are easy to set up and can provide hours of entertainment for kids of all ages.

In addition to being fun, trampoline games can also provide a great workout. Jumping on a trampoline can help improve balance, coordination, and cardiovascular health. It is also a great way to burn off excess energy and get fresh air.

Trampoline games are a great way for kids to stay active and have fun. Whether you are looking for a fun activity with your family or planning a birthday party, trampoline games are sure to be a hit. So grab your trampoline and get ready to jump into some fun!

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