Tips to pay off your mortgage faster

Your mortgage will be one of the biggest financial commitments you take on in your life. It’s the process of steadily repaying a loan that you took out when you bought your house. Paying it off can take a weight off your back and allow you to save up significantly more money for yourself and your family. 

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Benefits of paying off the mortgage early

The main benefit is that you’ll be debt-free. Instead of paying back loans with interest, you’ll be able to keep these monthly payments for yourself. This can allow you to focus on different financial goals or you could simply just enjoy more disposable income each month. What’s more, by removing the stress of mortgage payments from your life, you can live in a more relaxed manner.

Ask specialists

But how exactly can you pay off your mortgage faster? One of the best methods is to seek help from professionals. Specialists will be able to give you specific advice on your situation: for instance, if you’re over 55, it might be advisable to see if you can use an equity release mortgage to help you unlock additional financing. 

Make regular overpayments

Another option is to make regular overpayments. This is where you pay more than your standard payment each month. By contacting your lender and working out a new amount, you can pay off your mortgage sooner. Alternatively, you can also pay a lump sum to cut into the amount you owe. Over time, this should help you get closer to paying off the mortgage.


If you’re out of the fixed term of your mortgage, you could consider a remortgage. This is where you restructure your repayments at a new rate. As a result, you can use this to pay less money over the duration of your mortgage. Just ensure that you calculate all aspects of the deal as there’ll be administrative fees that can mount up when your remortgage. 

Shorten the mortgage term

You can also work with your lender to shorten the mortgage term. This is where you shorten the duration of your mortgage by making larger monthly payments. It’s a process that will see you save money on interest fees in the long term, while also helping you pay off your mortgage sooner. However, you will need the financing to ensure that you can meet the larger payments that accompany this deal each month. 

Paying off your mortgage is a significant moment, giving you new financial freedom. And by following the advice above, you can make this dream a reality sooner rather than later.

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