How to Increase Employee Productivity?

Are your employees productive enough? Instead of blaming the personnel for their low productivity, companies should consider their influence on this aspect. 

There is a multitude of ways for businesses to increase employee productivity, some of which start at the organizational level. Productivity isn’t about completing tasks faster but conducting them consistently. Chair time has little to do with high performance, unlike the opinion of many employers. 

Therefore, many countries have become interested in trying alternative work models, such as the four-day or six-hour workweek. 

The information below will assist you in increasing workers’ productivity by making both minor and major changes.

How do changes in productivity occur?

There’s no universal solution when it comes to productivity, and such changes aren’t bound to occur overnight. While most changes happen at the employee level, it’s indispensable for organizations to make some alterations at the organizational level by changing their culture and processes. Most businesses still rely on the forty-hour workweek norm to calculate the salaries of their workers. See this site,, to learn about the history of the 40-hour workweek.

Nevertheless, by replacing this outdated model with a more efficient system, employees will be much more productive and happier. Chair time shouldn’t be maximized, but instead, a new system should be implemented, which works best for the employees. Planning sessions should be held regularly between staff members and managers to set weekly and monthly objectives and devise a method for time allocation. 

The most popular alternatives to the outdated 40-hour week are the four-day and six-hour workweek without reducing the salaries of workers, as well as signing contractors based on the outcome. Certain countries have made extensive tests on the four-day workweek, including Japan, Iceland, and New Zeeland. Instead of compressing the forty-hour work into a four-day week, they have put priority on certain tasks.

The results from adopting this model have been incredible, as employees reported an increase of 25-40% in productivity, better work-life balance, more family time, fewer sick days, and greater flexibility. In Iceland, different businesses, ranging from offices to social services, have tested the four-day week for years and noticed a fascinating improvement in productivity, less burnout, and lower stress levels in staff members. 

Another alternative for businesses to try is the six-hour workday, which eliminates wasted hours. According to many surveys, employees are considered to be productive only three hours per day, which is why most of them find the eight-hour workday exhausting. By the end of the day, workers become physically and mentally exhausted, which has adverse effects on their productivity levels. This article explains how 6-hour workdays in Sweden boost energy, productivity, and happiness. 

By knowing that their workdays are shorter, individuals feel more energized and invest more energy into every hour. Given each workday is less labor-intensive, people waste less energy during the workweek and feel more upbeat on Friday. The output of working shorter days is of higher quality than working longer days. 

How to increase productivity in employees?

The inceptive step to making workers more productive is designing an environment that stimulates productivity. Start by making changes to the physical environment, as it has shown to have a tremendous impact on productivity and employees’ attitude. Make sure natural light is maximized, and windows are open more frequently. Ambient lighting, plants, and artwork are excellent for improving office design. 

Apart from making aesthetic changes to the environment, you should also focus on the way work is conducted by consulting staff members about common problems like noise, desks, office layout, etc. For instance, some individuals work better with music in the background, while others consider it distracting. By allowing headphones, both groups will feel satisfied. 

Regarding the layout, modern offices, by the rule, share workspaces and breakout rooms. Anyhow, you aren’t obliged to copy the layout but create a small office design that works best for your team. There’s no reason to set up permanent desks if your team finds hot desking enjoyable. 

Chronic pain is the usual outcome of sitting all day. Therefore, businesses should invest in laptop stands, standing desks, exercise balls, and other ideas to change the sitting habits of their personnel. You should also stimulate your workers to take micro-breaks and get up at frequent intervals. 

It’s key for businesses to hire employees who are a cultural and personality fit. Your work culture should be put in writing for every member of the company to have access to the document. The cultural elements worth including are the company’s values, communication guidelines for employees, the firm’s approach to compensation and salaries, business objectives, etc.

Company culture should be promoted, as today’s workers consider cultural fit an essential priority. The following blog,, provides invaluable advice on improving employee productivity. The values of your company should be advertised in interviews and job posts. Candidates should be addressed directly about their opinion regarding your culture and whether they will be a good cultural fit. 

Employers should make physical and mental health a priority, as workers are the core of every business. Healthy employees are more productive than those who suffer from physical and mental health issues. Keep in mind that stress and anxiety induced by work have a huge impact on the decision-making process and work rate. 

Another method for increasing productivity is discouraging the culture of presenteeism. Most employees force themselves to come to work when sick so as not to miss deadlines or out of fear to request sick leave. Employers should emphasize the importance of health over work and give sick leave to workers whenever they need it. 

The truth is that almost all deadlines can be moved, whereas tasks can be reassigned. There isn’t any benefit from having an employee present if he/she isn’t feeling well. The risk of making judgment errors is high. In such cases, absenteeism is considered better. 

Final word

Such changes cannot be implemented overnight. 

Nevertheless, in a few months, you might notice an improvement of some kind!

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