How to Find Financial Assistance for Fire Victims

Here we will go over how fire victims can find financial assistance. 

When a house fire occurs, the last thing a person or family should have to do is worry about how they will survive now that their home and personal belongings have been destroyed. Luckily, many charitable organizations and government agencies understand the importance of quickly receiving help when these disasters happen.

Keep reading for information on who to contact after a house fire.

Charitable Organizations

Non-profit charitable organizations operate for the benefit of the public or a specific cause. These organizations provide financial and emotional assistance to individuals that live in poverty or are suffering the ramifications of disasters such as severe weather, house fires, and more.

Some charitable organizations include:

  • Red Cross
  • Salvation Army
  • Local churches
  • United Way
  • YMCA

House fire victims can visit or call any of these organizations to seek help with housing, food, clothing, counseling, and financial assistance. If you contact a location that does not have resources available, they will point you toward other organizations that may be able to help.

You don’t have to be a member of these organizations to receive help.

U.S. General Services Administration

The U.S. General Services Administration is an independent agency of the United States government that was established in 1949 to help support the function of federal agencies.

This administration can also provide help to fire victims through food assistance, financial support, housing, TANF (temporary assistance for needy families), survivor benefits, and more. Survivor benefits would be approved for house fire victims that lost a family member in the disaster.

You can visit the U.S. General Services Administration website to find information and apply for assistance.


FEMA is the Federal Emergency Management Agency of the United States States Department of Homeland Security. FEMA withholds a responsibility to assist individuals and communities during and after devastation hits.

FEMA is generally known as the agency that brings food, water, clean-up crews, environmental testing, and other tools to an area after hurricanes, chemical spills, earthquakes, and other natural disasters occur. Few individuals are aware that FEMA will help survivors of small-scale catastrophes such as house fires.

Upon contacting this agency, you will be provided food, financial, and housing assistance.

On FEMA’s website, you can learn how to prevent fires, respond during an active fire, and the steps you should take after a fire has occurred.


When a house fire occurs, the most useful resource at your disposal is home or renters insurance.

Homeowners’ and renters’ insurance both cover the damages related to accidental fires, wildfires, and other house fires. The monetary value of the home and personal property are reimbursed through insurance, and the individual is provided temporary housing in a hotel.

In the case of a house fire, your home insurance responds the same way an auto insurance company would. You are placed in a temporary home until repairs are made, or the home is replaced. Visit for more information on obtaining hotel assistance after a house fire. 

Even the most basic policy covers house fires, and providers will only deny a claim where evidence proves the fire was set intentionally via a police report. Individuals that receive a claim approval are quickly provided a reimbursement check totaling an average of %70 of the dwelling and personal property costs. Some insurance providers also supply financial assistance for additional living expenses while waiting for a new home.


211 is a special telephone number (United States and Canada) that can be called when information and referrals are needed for health and human services in addition to social assistance programs.

Upon calling the number, you will receive lists of agencies and organizations in your area that can assist with a house fire.

If you need immediate food, you will be given a list of local food pantries.

If you need mental health services, you will receive a list of free or low-cost providers and support groups. 

If you need clothing, churches and charities that give free supplies and clothes will be listed. 

If you need housing, a list of shelters and housing options will be provided.

211 is a useful resource for those who do not know where to begin looking for help after a house fire or other disaster occurs.

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