10 Awesome Construction Material Innovations 2022

Construction materials are an integral part of construction projects. They provide the foundational aspect of a building. As engineers learn more, they develop newer concepts to make it easier to build or renovate buildings. The trend in construction materials is that they are becoming lighter, stronger, and more durable than their predecessors. Here are some amazing innovations in construction materials that have helped revolutionize the construction industry in 2022.

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1. Carbon Fiber

Carbon fiber is one of the most amazing materials used in construction projects. Fiber-reinforced polymer panels were commonly used as cladding for residential buildings in earlier years. Nowadays, engineers are using them as structural support for buildings instead of steel. This is because they have a higher tensile strength and a longer lifespan than steel. This material is also more resistant to temperature variation, corrosion, and chemical action.

2. Self-Healing Concrete

Concrete is a time-tested construction material that has been used for decades. However, engineers have discovered that it loses its properties when cracked. Therefore, they have found the need to improve upon its characteristics. As such, they have come up with self-healing concrete.

This type of concrete is composed of capsules of a certain polymer that, under the influence of moisture and sunlight, swells up and fills up cracks. While it may sound like science fiction, self-healing concrete is a real thing that has already been used in many construction projects. It’s also not overly expensive. If you would like to estimate the cost of using this cement for your next construction project, use CostCertified.

3. Hydro Ceramics

This new technology is used to construct walls that can react to outdoor temperatures. Commonly known as smart walls or thermo-sensitive walls, these walls are made of water capsules and clay panels that help them absorb water. This increases humidity and cools the building. This absorbed water can also evaporate under extreme heat, cooling the building even more.

4. Aerogel

Aerogels are a special type of building material that is made from a gel. The liquid component of this gel is replaced by a gas, making the material ultralight. Aerogels are ideal for construction projects where weight reduction is essential. They have a porous structure which makes them ideal for thermal insulation and noise reduction.

5. Pigmented Concrete

This is a newly developed concrete that has color pigments added to it. This type of concrete is common in constructing walls, floors, and basements. The conventional white color of concrete can be a major drawback in cases where the building needs to blend in with its surroundings. The use of colored pigments helps solve this issue. This concrete also helps protect the building from abrasion as a result of sunlight.

6. Hollow Clay Bricks

In traditional buildings, sturdy and solid concrete blocks are used. However, due to the high demand for energy conservation, using concrete blocks is no longer efficient. Hence, clay bricks are widely used as a substitute for solid bricks. These bricks are perforated and lined with an insulating material.

Hollow clay bricks have high thermal performance, high resistance to weather conditions, and low water absorption. They also have better aesthetic value and good compressive strength. This makes them ideal for use in partition walls and projects with a short completion time limit.

7. Wool Bricks

This is another type of building material that is versatile, lightweight, and sustainable. It is made by combining wool and clay. Wool bricks have a similar texture to natural clay bricks. These bricks provide better thermal insulation than most concrete products.

8. Martian Concrete

Martian concrete is made from sulfur and phosphates. These chemicals are found on Mars, and as such, space agencies like SpaceX believe that one day astronauts will be able to use them for construction projects on Mars. Martian concrete is ideal for this purpose as it is made from the same materials found on Mars.

9. Pollution Absorbing Bricks

These bricks are made from a mixture of fly ash and silica sand. They are used in construction projects that require air pollution control equipment. This is due to their ability to absorb carbon dioxide from the environment.

10. Allusion Panels

Allusion panels are made from stabilized aluminum foam. This component helps create a solid and light cladding that resembles metallic sponges. The most outstanding features of this material are soundproofing, fire resistance, durability, and ease of installation. They are the ideal choice for constructing buildings for theaters and recording studios. They can also be used to construct ceilings, wall panels, facades, and floorings of homes.

Composite materials have unique properties, such as insulation and thermal conductivity. This makes them ideal candidates for many kinds of construction projects. If you are wondering how much it would cost to build a home or a commercial project using composite materials, be sure to use CostCertified. This software will give you the most accurate cost estimation for your project.

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